Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Motivation

My motivation to finish my Masters degree and my thesis is because of my Ah Gung (grandpa). I grew up with only my mother as my sole provider and my grandparents. They have all worked extremely hard to help me get to where I am today. My family immigrated from China in the early 80's and I am the first generation to graduate from college and to go on to get my masters degree.

 My grandpa unfortunately passed away just two months before I started my grad program at BSU. He was not only my biggest cheerleader but he was also my father. He always taught me to "treat others the way that you would want to be treated." The way I am today and the way I treat others is because of him. I strive to be the best friend, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, worker, student and person because my Ah Gung. 

May he rest in peace with a can of Bud Heavy in his hand while watching Tom and Jerry. 6/13/13

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