Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ray Rice Domestic Violence

In the past several months, news of domestic violence from an NFL Baltimore Raven's athlete, Ray Rice, has surfaced on every news broadcasting station and social media around the country. Here is a slight look as to what was happening: Ray Rice Suspended from the NFL after new video surfaces (The National).

Recently, Ray Rice has been the most popular topic trending social media and I happened to stumble upon a short segment by Fox News' No Filter with Katie Nolan (who is actually from my hometown Framingham.) She talks about the  response of the female population who is threatening to boycott the NFL. Why boycott the NFL when, in this case, the female voice should be heard to make a difference. I personally agree with Katie Nolan that the female voice should be heard. If we, females, ignore the situation, the change that we have been fighting for will be ignored as well. Below is a link to Katie Nolan's video about the issue.
Katie Nolan's 'Why Boycotting the NFL because of Ray Rice is not the answer'

What do you think?

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