Wednesday, October 8, 2014

BSU Women's Soccer Injury to the Medial Malleolus

Ouch! This is a picture of our poor BSU Women's Soccer athlete with serious bruise after direct kick to her medial malleolus during a game. She was sent to the ER for x-rays and no fracture to the medial malleolus. 
Here we are working with our athlete with some strengthening exercises after functional assessment. You can see here athlete has more valgus force to her knee when coming down into a forward kneeling lunge. By using a Theraband, we are trying to teach the athlete how to properly lunge forward without the excessive valgus direction to her knees and hoping to activate her glut med as seen in her functional movement assessment. Check out her form! Do you see anything that may be a little off? Her tibia is slightly internally rotated which may be causing some of the valgus direction of her knees.

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