Thursday, October 16, 2014

We love Fall in New England

Happy Fall everyone! 


Our poor athlete with the black eye has managed to hurt her right eye again! This time she got sweat in her eye during practice and may have gotten debri in there too. We tried to see if we could use saline to get rid of the foreign object but it unfortunately did not work. She could not get her eye to open! So we gave the athlete an eye patch to see if some rest and shade from the light will help!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Soccer Injury

Congrats to our BSU Women's Soccer team for beating Fitchburg State University this weekend! However, our win didn't come without little bumps and bruises. Here one of our athletes sustained a nice little black eye during the game. Nice job ladies! Go Bears!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone! Here's a throwback Thursday picture from preseason with my fellow BSU AT classmates! Although we are in different stages of our academic careers, Ashley and CJ are still undergrads, they are the most knowledgable and hardest working undergrads I know! They definitely enhance my clinical experience and make it a very enjoyable experience! Go Bears!


So his injury was not sports related but I had to put this up! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

BSU Women's Soccer Injury to the Medial Malleolus

Ouch! This is a picture of our poor BSU Women's Soccer athlete with serious bruise after direct kick to her medial malleolus during a game. She was sent to the ER for x-rays and no fracture to the medial malleolus. 
Here we are working with our athlete with some strengthening exercises after functional assessment. You can see here athlete has more valgus force to her knee when coming down into a forward kneeling lunge. By using a Theraband, we are trying to teach the athlete how to properly lunge forward without the excessive valgus direction to her knees and hoping to activate her glut med as seen in her functional movement assessment. Check out her form! Do you see anything that may be a little off? Her tibia is slightly internally rotated which may be causing some of the valgus direction of her knees.

In The News 3

As young children, we always idolized athletes as our heros and were always in awe of the special talents of our athletes. At the Olympic Games, we could see our heros fighting hard to win for our country. However, today we realize that our athletes are not as perfect as we thought they were. In the news this week, Michael Phelps, a U.S.A. Olympic swimmer, has recently gotten himself into a bit of trouble. Phelps was charged with a DUI and speeding last week in Maryland with a blood alcohol volume of .14. This is not the first offense on Phelps. In 2004, Phelps was charged with a DUI in Salisbury, Maryland. He was also caught on camera smoking marijuana five years later.

Following Phelps arrest, he released statements through social media that he will be getting help with this problem. The four time Olympian said, "swimming is a major part of my life, but right now I need to focus my attention on me as an individual." The U.S. Swimming executive states serious action must be taken due to his behavior. As a result, the U.S.A. Swim team has decided that he will not be paid his stipend and will not be on the U.S.A. Swim team next year for the summer games.

After reading this article, I was pleased to hear about how quickly the U.S.A. Swim team took action on this case. Compared to the past two articles in the news about Ray Rice and Hope Solo, the action of the U.S.A. Swim committee has put my faith back into professional sports. After Hope Solo, was charged with domestic violence, she was still part of the U.S.A. Women's Soccer team and Nike was still sponsoring the athlete. For the Ray Rice case, the football star was not punished until months after. Those that have committed a crime should be immediately punished.

As a spectator, Phelps's image should be one that inspires us to do better and to influence the younger generations. Many young swimmers aspire to be just like Phelps and to further themselves to the professional levels and, one day, an Olympian themselves. After the news broke of his DUI, Phelps was immediately punished for his wrong doings. Again, I applaud the U.S.A. Swim team for taking action.  

However, does social media portray his action as a bigger issue than if Phelps's was not a famed Olympian? I believe that social media takes cases of athletes to a whole different level. Social media has somewhat tainted the athlete. Today, we assume that Phelps is a bad athlete because of his criminal charges. Will we every look at Phelps and his talents the same as compared to before his criminal charges?

As future practicing athletic trainers, we should not discriminate any of our athletes after having knowledge of their criminal charges. They are still part of the team and should be able to receive full attention as the rest of the athletes. If any one of our athletes is having problems with drinking and drug use and have no one to turn to, they should be able to come to us, athletic trainers, for guidance. I know that it may be difficult for those to individuals to come forth and confess but we should all be open-minded to hear what the athlete has to say and assess the situation to move forward.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mallet Finger

Here you go ladies and gentleman, a live mallet finger.  This is the first time I have seen a mallet finger in real life! A BSU football player sustained this injury last week. When asked, "how did it happen" his response was, "I didn't even realize this happened until I took my glove off." Classic! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

In The News 2

In the news this week, I stumbled upon an article about gay rights in the Gordon College campus. Although this article may be a bit different from the usual athletics news, I felt that this article was important to the way we,  athletic trainers and future aspiring athletic trainers, run our athletic training facilities. This summer, Gordon College was under attack following their presidents decision to "exempt to federal workplace protections for gay and transgender people." After Gordon College's decision, the city of Salem ended their contract with Gordon College to look after the Old City due to Gordon's College's discrimination against LGBT.

Paul Miller, a graduate of Gordon college and current graduate student, leads a group called One Gordon. In his meeting with Gordon College alumni, the topic of the discrimination against gays and transgender and students are saying that they will transfer due to the decision made by the president. Alumni said they had a great experience at Gordon but change must be made. At the meeting the alumni and current students are fighting for the LGBT community.  Miller has a petition against the presidents decision and has about 800 signatures. The One Gordon group hopes to create a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for those that are a part of the LGBT community.

After reading this article, I was genuinely shocked about the conservative decision made by Gordon College. Today, we live in a world where the LGBT community is safe to acknowledge their sexual orientation to the public. In the collegiate setting, colleges are a melting pot of genders, races, ethnicities, and sexual orientation. It is a place where a student figures out who they are and not what their families tell them they are.In the past year, several student athletes and professional athletes are coming out as gay. Many sports are defined as a "masculine" and usually "straight" sports but does it define sexual orientation? Absolutely not. As a future practicing athletic trainer, I will not allow any discrimination against LGBT within my facility. As a minority myself, I have experienced discrimination against my race and understand the mental effects that succumbs an individual. Athletes should feel safe and comfortable being themselves and being comfortable to talk to their athletic trainers about any discrimination they are faced with.